How to

How to delete Facebook account | N Techno

Facebook is known as social media too. The easiest way to connect with your friends and relatives all over the world. Through this social media network you can share ideas, photos, and pictures. This platform was launched on 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.

In this article you will learn that, How to delete Facebook account. But one thing you should know that, The deletion means disconnecting from relatives, and friends. Why you want to remove it. Instead of removing it. You can take a break and you can deactivate your account or you can uninstall the application from your device.

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How to Deactivate Facebook Account

If user bored of using it. Take a break from removing it. because if you remove your Facebook account you may lose your all data, it’s a good idea to deactivate it. After deactivating your account, you can recover it and data also can`t be lost.

Follow the few steps to deactivate your account. And after reading the article you will be able to deactivate or permanently remove it. Let`s follow The following steps to deactivate Facebook account.

Navigate to your account setting. Tap on setting to open the setting menu.

How to delete Facebook account

Look at the setting menu you can find out “personal and account information”.

How to delete Facebook account

When we unclose “personal and account information”. There is an option, “Account ownership and control” unclose option now you are just one step away from deactivating your account.

How to delete Facebook account

Click on account deactivation then scroll down to deactivate your account. Deactivating is temporary. This act will disable accounts activity. User name and photos will removes from most things you have shared but you are still able to use messenger.

How to delete Facebook account

The same steps we followed to deactivate Facebook account. The same way we use to delete account permanently. But you should know one thing that when you delete your Facebook account all of your data will be lost.

Profile picture and cover photo automatically will removes. After deletion your account will removes permanently within 60 regular days. But before 60 days if you changed your idea you can stop it from deletion.

How to delete Facebook account

Final thoughts

Deletion account and deactivating account are opposite to each other. The deletion removes all the data such as profile pics, cover pics and those all pics we have shred on our news feed. The conversation we hade with friends all of them will removes. But deactivation is different. After deactivation the data such as profile pics, and most things user shared will no longer be available. But we still can use messenger.

This was all about deletion of Facebook account. I hope this article was useful to you. If you still have any problem about your account or if you have suggestion about article please inform us through comment.

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