
What is google drive | N techno


 Google drive where user connected with their data online. A cloud based system where user can share data and receive data with any one any time anywhere. This is such a platform where people are connected with each other like cloud. people who uses mobile phones, laptops or tablets. May be they have seen an application already installed in their system. If the system is android based system. This is a free online storage where user can use it anywhere.

What is google drive

What is google drive?

This is a service developed by google which is free to use. After signing into this service user will have about 15GBs of storage where user can store data such as photos, documents, videos. Google drive is an online service, therefore user can reach the data anywhere in the globe. You are already signed into google drive, If the user have a google account. So stay with me till the end of article to learn how to use all the storage properly.


If you want to know about the advantages of google drives so keep reading. You have a data storage for free in google drives. It is a platform which work like a server where you can keep your files and your other data safely for a while. It is using computing technology therefore user can access to data anywhere. The main thing which is required for user to access the data is an internet connection. Every action has a reaction as according to physics, as well every action has a reaction there for every advantages has disadvantages there is also some disadvantages using google drives that user can’t ignore it.

First advantage

It has the ability to access the stored files from everywhere. User need to remember the google account information for signing in to google drive. Than user can access the data easily. A device is needed and an internet connection is required that can go through online. The most important thing is what if you lost your device but still your data is save and secure in google drives account and it is access able.

The next advantage

User in not limited for example user can access the data on laptop, mobile phones, iPad, I phones. These are the abilities that make the google drives efficient.

Third advantage

User can edit files in google drives such as google DOCs, spreadsheets, presentation, slides and other things. You can’t find this option in any other data storage. So you can bring out changes in your DOCs, or media files before saving them back.

4: ability

15GBs of storage data for free. But if user needs more storage data to save large amount of data. google cloud offers their user to buy data storage for less amount per month.

Google drives on mobile.

The application of google drive is already installed in android mobile phones. If not user can install it through google account from google paly store. Once user sign in to google account it does not requires to sign in again.

What is google drive

Now it comes how to use google drive how to upload files in google drives. First of all try to user your official Gmail address. most of user saves their personal files such as their family pictures, that belongs to a family honor. So try to use a save google account that is not reachable easily to everyone. It is quite easy to use drive, click on the application the app will open than tap on the plus symbol after taping on plus symbol user can see an interface.

What is google drive

Here “folders” means user can create folders or create its name by desire. “Upload‘ its simple choose a file to upload. “Scan” is also easy to understand user can scan to read and write the hidden data.

What is “google” DOCS, work together in real time now it’s possible in “google drive”.

It is a part of google work that allows the user to create spread sheets online in real time anywhere in any time.

This was all about how to use google drive application on mobile phone, now let’s have a look how to use and store data on google drive in the desktop

How to use google drive in laptop

 Some setup requires “google drive” in mobile. Go to browser download the google drive application than now open the application from your download list than install the application.

Step1: sign in required from user, enter your google account than enter the continue button. Now you can use google drive as your desire for storing your data permanently you can call them back to use everywhere in the glob.

What is google drive

Make sure one thing that application you have downloaded it from google.

Final thoughts

This was all about google drive I hope you have learned that how to use google drive, and learned how to store your data in google drive. User can also use google drive in their smartphones as well. Keep visiting our website to learn more about techno solutions. If this article was useful for you or if it wasn’t so please inform us in comment box.

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