
The discovery of a planet superficial in a very close distance rotating around his star in a strange orbit

The star in the night sky is relatively bright and shines with a magnitude of 1.5; Light enough to be seen with the naked eye in the constellation (Eridanus). In contrast, many host stars are very low and cannot be seen with an unarmed eye; But the HD 20794 with high luminosity is a special example.

Since the HD 20794 poem is close to Earth, it has been well observed for the past twenty years and has a contradictory history on extrasolar planets. The HD 20794D plays with two other super planets, B and C, rotate around its star, and their circulation is every 1.2 and 2.5 days, respectively.

The planets were discovered in year 6 by a group of Geneva astronomers, including Dumsk. At the same time, the researchers found evidence of the third planet with a 4 -day orbital course, but later showed that the finding was incorrect. Today the real third planet is revealed in the data.

“We have analyzed the data for years and carefully eliminated the sources of pollution,” says Michael Critinir from the University of Oxford. Critiner has previously invented an algorithm called Yarara to accurately search for data and detect the weak radial speed of a extrasolar planet from background noise. This algorithm was critical in trying to confirm the actual HD 20794D.

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However, the remarkable thing about the new planet is its orbit. While Johannes Kepler taught us that no planet orbit is completely circular, most planets are close to the circle. However, some worlds have more elongated circuits. The degree of length increase, known as the exit from the center, is measured on a scale of 1 (for a complete circle) to 1 (hyperbolic). The Earth’s orbital center escape is 4.1, Mars 4.1 and Mercury 4.1.

The HD 20794D circuit is more elongated in our solar system than any planet, and its centrality reaches 1.2. The planet’s 2 -day circuit is 5 days shorter than Mars, and given this data you can guess its position in its poem. However, escaping the large center means that its orbit varies from 2 astronomical units (2 million kilometers or twice the distance to the sun) from the star to nearly 1.5 astronomical units (1 million kilometers).

In the solar system, Mars rotates the outer edge of the life belt at an average of 1.5 astronomical units or 2 million kilometers around the sun, while Venus on the inner edge of the life belt at a distance of 1.5 astronomical units (1 million kilometers) The sun is located.

The weather on the HD 20794 D should be very strange. The winters are long and hard, and life lasts hard on the planet that most of the time is in the frost. In the spring, the ice melts and then a short but intense summer arrives where the oceans may begin to evaporate and then rain in the fall and snow in the winter. It is still unclear whether life can survive in such an abnormal world.

On Earth, the seasons are the result of our planet’s 2.5 degree slope. For example, the northern summer occurs when the northern hemisphere tends to the sun. Regardless of the HD 20794 D slope, the seasons are determined by the extent of the planet in the orbit of the center.

Domusk says the origin of such a far from the center should be sought in the distant HD 20794D. The escape of the center of the planets is the result of their interactions in the early days of the planet’s system. Although the other two planets B and C do not have abnormal circuits, the other body may have been in the orbit of 20794d shortly after its formation.

For example, there may be another giant planet in the early phase of formation that could affect the orbits of the planet D. Then that giant planet was probably thrown out of the poem.

The discovery report of the exciting 20794 D world is published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

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