
So far, these countries and institutions have banned the use of DIPSIKE’s artificial intelligence

The Chinese Dipsic Chinese Artificial Intelligence Company has received a strong backlash from regulatory agencies around the world. Currently, many states and government agencies have banned artificial intelligence and chat models. The main reason for the prohibitions is concern about privacy, security, and dipsic ethics.

In addition to countries, many large companies have also boycotted Dipsic. The main concern is that users’ data can be made available to the Chinese government. According to Dip -Sik’s privacy policies, the company stores all users’ data in China, and Chinese local law requires organizations to provide data available if intelligence officials are requested. According to Singh Carkic, the names of countries and organizations that have banned Dipsic are the following:


Italy was one of the first countries to ban Deepseek; The decision made after conducting research by the country’s data conservation agency. In January (January and February 2), the institution began its research on how data collection and dipcic compliance with GDPR rules. As a result, dipsic apps were removed from Apple and Google stores in Italy.


The Taiwan Ministry of Digital Affairs says Deepsic is endangering the security of national intelligence and has banned its use in government agencies. The Taiwan government warned that the use of its technologies could lead to data transfer and data leakage. The ban includes government employees, public schools and Taiwan state -owned companies.

American Congress

The use of Dipsic has been banned for US Congress offices. The senior administrative office of the US House of Representatives announced that Deepsic was under security investigations and advised employees to refrain from installing the company’s applications on government phones, computers and tablets.

Texas State

Wolf AbbottTexas Governor has issued a ban on the use of dipsic software and other Chinese companies in government agencies. He says Texas will not allow China to infiltrate Texas’s critical infrastructure through artificial intelligence and social network applications.

US Navy

The US Navy has banned the use of dipsic technologies. The Navy warned its employees in January (January and February 1) that the use of these technologies, both for business or individual purposes, was not allowed to be due to security and ethical concerns.

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The US Department of Defense has also blocked access to dipsic technologies. The decision was made when some Pentagon employees used dipsic apps. However, the ministry’s staff can still access Deepseek’s artificial intelligence through the Ask Sage Platform.


NASA has banned the use of dipsic technologies for its employees. The chief executive of the organization’s artificial intelligence announced in a note that Dip -Suncases are outside the United States, which is a threat to national security.

NASA has blocked access to Chinese chat applications on its managed devices and networks.

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