Minister of Communications: The Gulf Region can be a leading force in the development of artificial intelligence
At the one -day International Conference on the Iran Corridor, held today, Monday, February 23, in Dubai, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Sattar Hashemi emphasized the importance of developing joint artificial cooperation with the Gulf states and the Middle East.
According to the Ministry of Communications Information Center, Sattar Hashemi at this specialized event, organized by the Iranian Infrastructure Communications Company in the presence of operators and senior communications officials in the region, on Iran’s key role in developing new communication technologies, especially exploiting various capacities of artificial intelligence. In mutual cooperation with the Gulf states, he emphasized.
Referring to Iran’s high potential in the field of artificial intelligence, the Minister of Communications called for the strengthening of regional cooperation to turn the Persian Gulf into a leading artificial intelligence pole.
Hashemi described artificial intelligence as one of the most transformed technologies in the present era and said:
Artificial intelligence has provided numerous opportunities to transform industries, improve the sovereignty, and improve the quality of life of billions of people around the world. From agriculture and health care to energy, from transportation to cyber security, this technology has changed how we deal with challenges and opportunities.
– Sattar Hashemi , Minister of Communication and Information Technology
“The progress of artificial intelligence is not just a revolution in technology, but a catalyst for economic growth and social transformation,” he added. “With our unique strengths, our region can take over world leadership.”
Communication and data infrastructure are the backbone of artificial intelligence
The Minister of Communications of Iran described “communication and data infrastructure” as “the backbone of artificial intelligence development” and said:
Despite economic sanctions, Iran has been able to create a resistive and dynamic financial ecosystem that continues to grow and innovate. Iran’s internal mobile phone operator, with more than 5 million users and digital service platforms such as Snap and DigiKala, provides rich and multifaceted data with tens of millions of users that are essential for artificial intelligence development.
– Sattar Hashemi, Minister of Communication and Information Technology
Hashemi pointed to some of Iran’s scientific and research achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and said that in year 2, Iran came in second in the area in terms of number and quality of scientific articles in the field of artificial intelligence.
According to the Minister of Communications, “Iran’s rank in terms of number of artificial intelligence developers in the region is the second rank and has ranked fourth in terms of number of companies operating in this area.”
Hashemi described these numerous achievements as a reflection of Iran’s commitment to research and development in the field of modern technologies and emphasized the need for regional cooperation.
The Minister of Communications Cited the “proposal to create acceleration centers of artificial intelligence, facilitate joint ventures and strengthen academic cooperation” among the main axes for shaping regional joint cooperation and emphasized:
With the combination of skilled human capital and existing technical infrastructure in Iran with the investment capabilities of neighboring countries, new opportunities for innovation and economic growth can be created.
– Sattar Hashemi, Minister of Communication and Information Technology
The Persian Gulf region can appear as a leading force in the development of artificial intelligence
The Minister of Communications spoke of the future notion that the Persian Gulf appears as a leading force in the development of artificial intelligence.
“We can act boldly, invest cleverly, and build a prosperous future for our region,” Hashemi invited the countries of the region to develop joint partnerships with the aim of converting shared prospects to reality. “The future of artificial intelligence belongs to us and the time of action is now.”
The purpose of this specialized meeting was to introduce Iran’s communication infrastructure as a safe and secure path to exchange valuable information and communication data and to provide joint cooperation with communications and telecommunications industry activists.