How to

How to remove google account | N techno


How to remove google account, From chrome on your smartphone and computer. By reading the content you will be able to remove google account from your computer and smart phone. Google chrome is the search engine where people search for everything they want to find information about. Students search for their courses to find help. businessmen’s google for business ideas. teachers google for teaching guide, people who love exercise search for exercise tips. About 5 to 6 billion people daily google. Google is easy to understood, it’s a friendly search engine. The google have the best security privacy there for you can save your data in it without any problem.

Google account

Usually we have more then one google account. This is not limited, we can create more then one accounts on google. But we can`t use same information for each account. Email address, And password will be different although same information is not acceptable in privacy of google. Try to use a secure password. The user need to go through a process to recover the account, If user lost the password

How to remove google account

How to sign out google account from laptop.
Follow step by step to get rid of your account quick and simply.
Step 1: Sign out your account from chrome.
Step 2: take away google account from laptop.

Next step: One double click on your google chrome then click on your profile see right at the corner, once clicking a page can seem then click on the sign out possibility

Step: 1 double click on your google chrome then click on your profile see right at the corner, after clicking a page will appear then click on the sign out option. When the account signed out, sync will turn off.

Open browser look at the top corner of your pc click on the 3 dot icon then click on the.

How to remove google ccount
How to remove google account

Look at the picture above then click on the remove account. Once clicked on remove account new page will appear for your conformation. If your sure to remove your account so continue it to remove the account.

How to remove google account


How to remove account on mobile

The same way we can use to delete account from mobile. Open chrome browser. You can see the 3 doted icon on the top right corner in your mobile. Click the icon find out the setting in icon menu. Than click on icon you want to remove. From here you can sign out.


You have learned how to remove google account from pc and smartphones. I hope this article was useful for you to remove google account from pc and mobile. I wish that you have learned something from this article. You are in the right place to solve your basic problems. If still you have any question related to this article you can tell us in comment box.    

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