
Alarm for wildlife and humans: Destruction of the last ice zone is near

The last icy area (LiaA part of the northern is said to be forecasts, even with global warming than other areas. The area is located around the islands of Queen Elizabeth in northern Canada and Greenland, and is the habitat of animals such as polar bears and jaws that require permanent ice for survival.

So far, it was expected that the last ice zone would retain its ice, even as the land was warmer. But a new study shows that the area and its affiliated ecosystem are more at risk of being destroyed than previously estimated.

In the new study, researchers at the University of McGill in Canada have done a more careful scrutiny on the area using a more advanced model than previous simulations. The new model, known as the “Earth System System”, can analyze the changes of polar ice in more detail. One of the key features of this model is to consider oceanic currents and the movement of ice. The findings show that the timing of the last ice zone may be significantly faster than previously thought.

The last ice zone may disappear earlier than expected

Bruno Treble“Our high -resolution models show that the last ice zone may disappear sooner than we expected,” says atmospheric scientist at the University of McGill. These modeling simulates the flow of the sea in the Canadian North -Jazir Assembly and shows that the process has accelerated.

Researchers’ calculations show that by year 3, the center of the North Frozen Ocean may be completely free of ice every year. If this trend continues, the remaining permanent ice will disappear between 2 and 5 years after this seasonal pattern.

According to earlier estimates, the last ice zone may be the last place in the north of Greenland and the Canadian North Green Assembly, the last place where the ice will remain. But new predictions show that these ice will be faster than they were thought.

Of course, various factors are influential in the process of ice destruction. It is not yet possible to say exactly how fast the global warming will go, or how permanent ice changes will affect seasonal ice. Also, the way heat transfer in the Northgan region is a variable that still requires further investigation.

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However, researchers have concluded that the northern part of the last ice zone plays an important role in its survival. This section, like the natural dam, prevents ice from leaving other areas and provides the ground for the renewal of thick ice in the Queen Elizabeth islands.

“The fate of the last ice zone, most of all, depends on the weather in the northern part,” said the group published by the group. “This section acts as a barrier that prevents ice from leaving and enabling the accumulation of thick ice.”

From the ice to the ice, it will have significant effects on the wild. Many species, including polar bears and jaws, depend on this environment for survival. It is estimated that about a quarter of the global population of polar bears live in or near the area.

The fate of the last ice zone depends on the conditions of the ice in the northern part

Of course, the signs of change have already been revealed. In the documentary “Our Planet”, released in Year 2, scenes were depicted in which the sea lions that had previously lived on the icebergs now have to take refuge in dry cliffs. These animals are trying to get rid of the cliffs and lose their lives. Such changes indicate that the loss of polar ice has made wildlife in crisis.

But the effects of change are not limited to wildlife. The indigenous communities of the area are also dependent on ice for livelihoods. Climate change for natives is not only a scientific phenomenon, but a threat to their lifestyle and survival.

Due to the high importance of the region, the Canadian government has identified part of the area as the “Tavojitak Naval Protected Area”. The name “Tuyujitak” in the language of Inukttut means a place where ice never melts. But today, the region is more at risk of destroying more than ever. Scientists’ warnings about climate change again emphasize the necessity of urgent action.

Full Modelin“The findings show that slowdown speed is essential,” says atmospheric scientist from the University of McGill. “If we want to have sustainable and reliable forecasts about the last ice zone and vital north habitats, we must act as soon as possible to reduce global warming.”

The findings are published in the Magazine Earth & Environment.

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